Genomic secrets of gutless deep-sea tubeworm unlocked

Researchers from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) decoded for the first time the chromosomal-level genome of a deep-sea gutless tubeworm and how the worm's co-living bacterial partners manufacture ...

Basement membrane underpins tissue interactions in the skin

In a discovery that could pave the way for therapies that promote wound healing and alleviate skin diseases, RIKEN researchers have found that the network of molecules under the outermost layer of mouse skin, the skin epithelium, ...

A mitochondrial self-preservation mechanism

Mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, convert sustenance into energy, fueling the cell's activities. In addition to power, mitochondria also produce reactive oxygen species, byproduct molecules primed to help facilitate ...

Sustainable optical fibers developed from methylcellulose

Researchers from Tampere University and Aalto University have developed optical fibers from methylcellulose, a commonly used cellulose derivative. The finding opens new avenues to short-distance optical fibers using sustainable ...

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