Biologists glean insight into repetitive protein sequences

About 70% of all human proteins include at least one sequence consisting of a single amino acid repeated many times, with a few other amino acids sprinkled in. These "low-complexity regions" are also found in most other organisms.

Putting the brakes on 'budding' viruses

Paramyxoviruses have the potential to trigger a devastating pandemic. This family of viruses includes measles, Nipah virus, mumps, Newcastle disease and canine distemper.

Free-space light coupling using curved micromirrors

Micromirrors are micrometer-scale mirrors that are widely used in many applications, mainly in optical-fiber telecommunications, optical scanners, and optical instrumentation. Micromirrors can be integrated within photonic ...

A vertical matrix X-ray detector for multi-energy discrimination

There are three types of cone cells in the retina that are called L-cones (sensitive to red light), M-cones (sensitive to green light), and S-cones (sensitive to blue light). The coordinated response of cone cells to visible ...

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