Link between quantum physics and game theory found

( —A deep link between two seemingly unconnected areas of modern science has been discovered by researchers from the Universities of Bristol and Geneva.

Researchers, educators team to improve science curricula

NCBJ experts jointly with teachers and students of some Mazovia region technical high schools are running the "School with a Big Future" project. A new curricula for some nuclear-industry-related vocational programmes that ...

Kenneth Wilson, Nobel winner for physics, dies

A physics professor who earned a Nobel prize for pioneering work that changed the way physicists think about phase transitions has died in Maine at age 77.

Researchers test quantum encryption hacking risk

( —Quantum communication systems offer the promise of virtually unbreakable encryption. Unlike classical encryption, which is used to send secure data over networks today and whose security depends on the difficulty ...

Researchers explain magnetic field misbehavior in solar flares

When a solar flare filled with charged particles erupts from the sun, its magnetic fields sometime break a widely accepted rule of physics. The flux-freezing theorem dictates that the magnetic lines of force should flow away ...

Study shows that people organize daily travel efficiently

( —Studies of human mobility usually focus on either the small scale—determining the origins, destinations and travel modes of individuals' daily commutes—or the very large scale, such as using air-travel patterns ...

Basic science in evaporating droplets

What happens if you slowly evaporate a droplet containing dissolved particles? The question sounds simple, but it involves a surprising amount of basic physics and mathematics. Hanneke Gelderblom of the University of Twente ...

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