Russia's Yakov Sinai wins Abel mathematics prize

Russian mathematician Yakov Sinai won the prestigious Abel mathematics prize for his work in dynamical systems and mathematical physics, the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters said Wednesday.

Magic and symmetry in mathematics

We live in a three-dimensional world. Despite the many benefits this presents, it also makes for a complicated math problem, according to Northeastern associate professor of mathematics Ivan Loseu. The best a path to a solution, ...

3D printing used as a tool to explain theoretical physics

Students may soon be able to reach out and touch some of the theoretical concepts they are taught in their physics classes thanks to a novel idea devised by a group of researchers from Imperial College London.

Finding Occam's razor in an era of information overload

How can the actions and reactions of proteins so small or stars so distant they are invisible to the human eye be accurately predicted? How can blurry images be brought into focus and reconstructed?

Physicists aim to make transition to quantum world visible

Theoretical physicist Frank Wilhelm-Mauch and his research team at Saarland University have developed a mathematical model for a type of microscopic test lab that could provide new and deeper insight into the world of quantum ...

Is mathematics an effective way to describe the world?

Mathematics has been called the language of the universe. Scientists and engineers often speak of the elegance of mathematics when describing physical reality, citing examples such as π, E=mc2, and even something as simple ...

Indian researcher helps prove math conjecture from the 1950s

On June 18, Adam Marcus and Daniel A. Spielman of Yale University, along with Nikhil Srivastava of Microsoft Research India, announced a proof of the Kadison-Singer conjecture, a question about the mathematical foundations ...

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