Math journal puts Rauzy fractcal image on the cover

An image created by geometer Edmund Harriss made the cover of the mathematics journal Notices, published by the American Mathematical Society. The image, created in collaboration with Bill Casselman, appeared on the August ...

On the origins of the Schrodinger equation

( —One of the cornerstones of quantum physics is the Schrödinger equation, which describes what a system of quantum objects such as atoms and subatomic particles will do in the future based on its current state. ...

Fractal plumage indicates bird fitness

The complexity of the fractal geometry of a bird's plumage reveals its level of fitness, according to a new study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B today.

Mathematics: First-ever image of a flat torus in 3D

Just as a terrestrial globe cannot be flattened without distorting the distances, it seemed impossible to visualize abstract mathematical objects called flat tori in ordinary three-dimensional space. However, a French team ...

Experimental mathematics: Computing power leads to insights

In his 1989 book "The Emperor's New Mind", Roger Penrose commented on the limitations on human knowledge with a striking example: He conjectured that we would most likely never know whether a string of 10 consecutive 7s appears ...

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