A mathematical method helps to select human embryos

A team of researchers from the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) have developed a mathematical classification which makes it possible to select human embryos for use in assisted reproduction treatments. Scientists ...

Cost-effective ways to minimize risks in the supply chain

The coronavirus pandemic has hit the economy hard. What lessons can be learned from this experience? And what's the best way for companies to protect themselves against this kind of crisis in the future? The answer will certainly ...

A new method for boosting the learning of mathematics

How can mathematics learning in primary school be facilitated? A recent study conducted by the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Switzerland, had shown that our everyday knowledge strongly influences our ability to solve problems, ...

Mathematician calculates wave velocity for post-stroke therapy

A RUDN mathematician calculated the velocity of wave propagation in the brain in the course of external stimulation. This procedure is used to treat stroke patients. To do so, the scientists generally formulated the task ...

How to manage motorway tolls through the Game Theory

A team led by José Manuel Zarzuelo, Professor of Applied Economics, has applied the co-operative Game Theory to calculating motorway toll charges. The results of the study have been published in the specialised journal European ...

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