Related topics: children

Researchers probe causes of math anxiety

Math problems make more than a few students - and even teachers - sweat, but new brain research is providing insights into the earliest causes of the anxiety so often associated with mathematics.

Can angelfish do math?

( -- Beauty and brains don't often come together. But angelfish, a species prized by pet fish owners for its bright good looks, might possess math skills, show studies coauthored by Professor Robert Gerlai of ...

LEGO bricks build better mathematicians

A study carried out by the University of Derby has found that LEGO plays a vital role in the development of maths skills in children.

Large study shows females are equal to males in math skills

( -- The mathematical skills of boys and girls, as well as men and women, are substantially equal, according to a new examination of existing studies in the current online edition of journal Psychological Bulletin.

Children's early math knowledge related to later achievement

Educators, policymakers, and parents have begun to focus more on children's math learning in the earliest years. Yet parents and teachers still find it challenging to know which kinds of early math skills merit attention ...

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