Study: Individuals value information as they do material objects

Technology has enabled the creation of a vast and growing amount of information, leading to benefits (e.g., more data to learn from) as well as drawbacks (e.g., the spread of fake news and conspiracy theories). New research ...

Reshaping the plastic lifecycle into a circle

In 1950, 2 million metric tons of new plastic was produced globally. In 2018, the world produced 360 million metric tons of plastics. Because of their low cost, durability and versatility, plastics are everywhere—including ...

Want the shortest path to the good life? Try cynicism

(—Research by a University of Cincinnati classics professor sheds new light on the philosophy of the ancient Cynics. They actually held values they viewed as a shortcut to happiness.

Germany to support 'bio-economy' with 3.6 bn euros

German ministers on Wednesday agreed an action plan for the "bio-economy" worth 3.6 billion euros to help sustainable resources replace material of fossil origin in everyday products.

Advances in recycling for the electronics sector

Research has addressed the mounting problem of polymers from the electronics sector entering the waste stream. An EU-funded research team investigated a fully recyclable polymer and have developed new moulding methods for ...

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