Google digging deeper to improve search results (Update)

(AP) -- Google Inc. is about to add more features to its already dominant Internet search engine - and some of the changes could give Web surfers less reason to click through to other sites. That scenario might upset the ...

New study maps wildlife microbiota

Wild Biotech, a preclinical stage drug discovery & development company emerging out of stealth mode, today announces the publication of its first major paper, which appears in the journal Science. The study mapped the gut ...

Feds shut down background check database over flaw

The federal personnel agency whose records were plundered by hackers linked to China announced on Monday the temporary shutdown of a massive database used to update and store background investigation records after newly discovering ...

Serving historical flora to a worldwide audience

Biological researchers wield some powerful new tools these days, capable of measuring minute quantities of DNA, protein and small molecules in living systems. Mapping the networks of the ebb and flow of these basic units ...

Geostatistical method predicts urban pollution

Researchers from the University of Castilla-La Mancha have developed a measurement system that permits the prediction of atmospheric pollution due to nitrogen oxides in a specific location and at a particular time. The study ...

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