Plato camera integration begins

The activities to integrate Plato's cameras have started in OHB's Space Center & Optics facility in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. One by one the cameras are attached to Plato's optical bench, the surface that keeps all cameras ...

High-precision timing data determine upper limit for photon mass

In a study published in The Astrophysical Journal, Prof. Zhou Xia from the Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory (XAO) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and collaborators have, for the first time, derived the dispersion relation ...

First map of outflows from nearby quasar I Zwicky 1

SRON astronomers have for the first time mapped the outflows from one of the closest quasars to Earth. Quasars are bright cores of galaxies powered by the supermassive black hole in their center. The team has probed gas outflows ...

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