Young open cluster Messier 39 investigated in detail

Italian astronomers have performed high-resolution spectroscopic observations of a young open cluster known as Messier 39. Results of the observational campaign, presented in a paper published Dec. 14 on the pre-print server ...

Five things you probably have wrong about the T rex

An icon from the age of dinosaurs, Tyrannosaurus rex has featured in everything from blockbuster movies to the shape of chicken nuggets. As a creature to be feared for its bone-crushing bite or ridiculed for its inability ...

Can Webb find the first stars in the universe?

The universe's very first stars had an important job. They formed from the primordial elements created by the Big Bang, so they contained no metals. It was up to them to synthesize the first metals and spread them out into ...

Research suggests women lose more muscle than men in spaceflight

New research published ahead of print in the Journal of Applied Physiology suggests women lose more muscle than men in a microgravity environment such as spaceflight. The study "represent[s] the longest bed rest study on ...

Could there be a black hole inside the sun?

It's a classic tale of apocalyptic fiction. The sun, our precious source of heat and light, collapses into a black hole. Or perhaps a stray black hole comes along and swallows it up. The End is Nigh! If a stellar-mass black ...

AI generates proteins with exceptional binding strengths

A new study in Nature reports an AI-driven advance in biotechnology with implications for drug development, disease detection, and environmental monitoring. Scientists at the Institute for Protein Design at the University ...

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