First detection of magnetic massive stars outside our galaxy

For the first time, magnetic fields have been detected in three massive, hot stars in our neighboring galaxies, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. While magnetic massive stars have already been detected in our own galaxy, ...

Observations explore open cluster NGC 1513

Using the National Astronomical Observatory (OAN) in Mexico, astronomers have observed an open cluster known as NGC 1513. Results of the observations, presented in a paper published May 16 on the pre-print server arXiv, yield ...

Could alien solar panels be technosignatures?

If alien technological civilizations exist, they almost certainly use solar energy. Along with wind, it's the cleanest, most accessible form of energy, at least here on Earth. Driven by technological advances and mass production, ...

No shot: Why America won't pull the trigger on gun control

Whether you consider the Second Amendment a dangerous relic or inspiration for a tattoo, the U.S. public as a whole doesn't consider guns an important issue, except in the immediate wake of a mass shooting.

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