InSight lander among latest ExoMars image bounty

Curious surface features, water-formed minerals, 3-D stereo views, and even a sighting of the InSight lander showcase the impressive range of imaging capabilities of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter.

Mars awaits

At just before 9pm Central European Time on 26 November, Mars will receive a new visitor: NASA's InSight lander.

Launch of Mars500 mission on 3 June in Moscow

( -- The first full-duration simulation of a human mission to Mars is about to begin. After closing the hatch, the crew of six will remain in their 'spacecraft' for 520 days.

Surviving the inferno of entry, descent and landing

Anticipation is building as preparations are well underway for the launch of NASA's next Mars mission, InSight. But before the roar of the rocket lifting off from Vandenberg Air Force Base has subsided, a NASA team will be ...

JPL's role in making 'Th Martian' a reality

When fictional astronaut Mark Watney becomes stranded alone on the Red Planet in the novel and film "The Martian," people and technology from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, play important roles ...

SEED has won the international Mars One University Competition

Seed was selected by popular vote from an initial 35 university proposals. The aim of the project is to germinate the first seed on Mars and to prove the concept that it is possible to germinate and grow plants on Mars. Besides ...

Mars Odyssey Still Hears Nothing From Phoenix

( -- NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander showed no sign during February that it has revived itself after the northern Mars winter. NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter will check again in early April.

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