Couple up for long-term happiness

Being married has a lifelong effect on how content people are. This is according to a study in Springer's Journal of Happiness Studies that investigated people's levels of well-being based on their marital status. Using data ...

Men are happier when they work full-time

A "daddy day"? More time to spend at home? Men don't need to work part-time to ensure their well-being. In fact, they are happier if they "just" work full-time. This is one conclusion of the PhD research by sociologist Sean ...

Is shotgun marriage dead?

Shotgun marriages have faded in popularity overall, but are on the rise among some groups, says new research from Duke University. And not all shotgun marriages are as rocky as one might think.

Modern family planning in India

At roughly 1.3 billion people, India is the second most populous country in the world, but will likely surpass China as the most populous nation within six years, reaching 1.7 billion by 2050, according to United Nations ...

Who does most of the housework in multicultural Britain?

The first ever nationally representative study has looked at how housework is organised by couples across different ethnic groups in Britain. It finds that Black Caribbean men have the least traditional attitudes to gender ...

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