In time for Valentine's Day: Are we the loneliest generation?

Despite worldwide Valentine's Day celebrations, an increasing number of people around the globe are single. Recent Pew polling predicts that approximately 25% of those born in the United States right now will never marry. ...

Joint bank accounts make for happier couples

In a world of dual-income households and relationships formed years into one's career (and accumulation of assets and debts), many couples today choose to keep their finances at least partially separate.

Earth's largest extinction event likely took plants first

Little life could endure the Earth-spanning cataclysm known as the Great Dying, but plants may have suffered its wrath long before many animal counterparts, says new research led by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Who joined the Islamic State from France between 2014 and 2016?

Radicalized French citizens who adhere to Islamic State propaganda are less likely to disengage from their beliefs if they are married men with children, and from families with married parents. This is according to Nicolas ...

Decision to live together negatively affects wealth accumulation

Living together is often a first step before marriage, or for a growing number of millennials, an alternative to tying the knot. Money or debt can be a common reason for this decision, but there are long-term financial implications ...

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