Ocean nutrients a key component of future change, say scientists

(Phys.org) —Variations in nutrient availability in the world's oceans could be a vital component of future environmental change, according to a multi-author review paper involving the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton ...

'Pharmaceutical' approach boosts oil production from algae

Taking an approach similar to that used for discovering new therapeutic drugs, chemists at the University of California, Davis, have found several compounds that can boost oil production by green microscopic algae, a potential ...

Scientists estimate more than 100 million sharks killed annually

(Phys.org) —The number of sharks killed each year in commercial fisheries is estimated at 100 million, with a range between 63 million and 273 million, according to the research "Global Catches, Exploitation Rates and Rebuilding ...

Art and science do mix—and can unlock new discoveries

(Phys.org)—There are "things hidden in plain sight" all around us. But art can help students see their world anew, unlocking discoveries in fields ranging from plant biology to biomedical imaging, according to University ...

Researchers discover how new corals species form in the ocean

Since the observations made by English naturalist Charles Darwin on the Galapagos Islands, researchers have been interested in how physical barriers, such as isolation on a particular island, can lead to the formation of ...

Work needed to make algal biofuel viable, study suggests

(Phys.org)—Though biofuels from algae hold great promise, Cornell researchers find that more innovation is needed to make the technology economically and energetically viable at a commercial scale.

Ocean heatwave decimates vital seaweed habitat

The decimation of a seaweed that provides vital habitat for an interdependent web of marine species off the WA coast, as a consequence of a record ocean heatwave, has been revealed in a paper published in Proceedings of the ...

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