Researchers analyse 'rock dissolving' method of geoengineering

(—The benefits and side effects of dissolving particles in our ocean's surfaces to increase the marine uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2), and therefore reduce the excess amount of it in the atmosphere, have been analysed ...

Ups and downs of biodiversity after mass extinction

The climate after the largest mass extinction so far 252 million years ago was cool, later very warm and then cool again. Thanks to the cooler temperatures, the diversity of marine fauna ballooned, as paleontologists from ...

The quest for new cancer-fighting drugs in marine environments

(—Human beings have been using wild plants to cure their ills for thousands of years. While much of the focus has been on the medicinal properties of terrestrial plants, one UConn researcher is exploring a new ...

Study reveals that animals contribute to seagrass dispersal

Look out the window and you're likely to see the dispersal of seeds—dandelion tufts in the wind, a squirrel burying an acorn, a robin flying off with a dogwood fruit. You might even have a burr "velcroed" to your sock.

What kind of iron is in the Southern Ocean?

(—The Southern Ocean, circling the Earth between Antarctica and the southernmost regions of Africa, South America, and Australia, is notorious for its High Nutrient, Low Chlorophyl zones, areas otherwise rich in ...

CA coastal panel mulls quake study near nuke plant

(AP)—California coastal regulators will decide whether to give a utility the go-ahead to use loud air cannons to map offshore earthquakes faults near a nuclear power plant.

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