New maps may reduce tourism impacts on Hawaiian dolphins

Over-eager eco-tourists intent on seeing spinner dolphins up close may inadvertently be disturbing the charismatic animals' daytime rest periods and driving them out of safe habitats in bays along Hawaii's coast.

New tool skillfully predicts marine habitat shifts

As global temperatures rise, so do ocean temperatures. The ocean absorbs about 90% of the world's excess heat, and this leads to changes to the marine environment that go beyond temperature, making some areas uninhabitable ...

New study ranks 'hotspots' of human impact on coastal areas

(Santa Barbara, Calif.) -- Coastal marine ecosystems are at risk worldwide as a result of human activities, according to scientists at UC Santa Barbara who have recently published a study in the Journal of Conservation Letters. ...

UK marine protected areas worth billions, new report claims

Designation of marine protected areas (MPAs) in England, Wales and Scotland would be worth a one-off value of £0.92 – 1.93 billion to recreational users, says a new interim report of the UK National Ecosystem Assessment, ...

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