Cutting fishing could buy time for coral reefs

Stopping people fishing around Caribbean coral reefs by designating them legally protected marine reserves could help some of them survive the effects of a changing climate by more than 50 years.

Global study shows exotic species are a complex threat

When species are introduced by humans into marine habitats, they can disrupt their new environment, according to a study at KAUST, which also identified key species for conservation efforts to focus on.

A major study of all penguin populations

A major study of all penguin species suggests the birds are at continuing risk from habitat degradation. Writing in the journal, Conservation Biology, a group of internationally renowned scientists recommends the adoption ...

Dolphins to get coastal sanctuary in US

After years of research on dolphin behavior and under pressure from animal rights groups, the National Aquarium in Baltimore has decided to move the marine mammals to a sanctuary, officials said Wednesday.

Good parenting evolved multiple times in moss animals

The spindly filaments and coral-like colonies of the ancient phylum of marine animals known as bryozoans likely aren't the first thing that come to mind when you envision safe and protective child care.

Extinct but newly discovered: Germany's oldest freshwater shrimp

An international team of researchers led by the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin has described Germany's first fossil freshwater shrimp species in the journal Scientific Reports. Most shrimps love marine habitats, but this 48-million-year-old ...

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