Compound extreme events stress the oceans

It's not just the land that is groaning under the heat—the ocean is also suffering from heatwaves. In the Mediterranean Sea along the Italian and Spanish coasts, for example, water temperatures are currently up to 5 °C ...

New study examines role of sea urchins on California kelp

California sheephead and spiny lobsters may be helping control sea urchin populations in Southern California kelp forests, where sea otters—a top urchin predator—have long been missing, according to a new San Diego State ...

Scientists discover that rainforests take the heat

South American rainforests thrived during three extreme global warming events in the past, say paleontologists at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in a new report published in the Annual Review of Earth and Planetary ...

Mangrove forests trap floating litter

Mangrove forests on the coasts of Saudi Arabia act as litter traps, accumulating plastic debris from the marine environment, according to new research from KAUST. The study offers an explanation for the fate of missing marine ...

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