Sustainable agriculture: Mobile weed killer for tree nurseries

Fraunhofer researchers have collaborated with partners to develop a platform to remove weeds fully automatically. The mobile AMU-Bot robot system navigates using optical sensors and removes weeds mechanically without the ...

Getting quantum dots to stop blinking

Quantum dots, discovered in the 1990s, have a wide range of applications and are perhaps best known for producing vivid colors in some high-end televisions. But for some potential uses, such as tracking biochemical pathways ...

Insulation using popcorn?

Building insulation has become an increasingly important topic in recent years. Good exterior insulation reduces heating costs, which means lower CO2 emissions. Nowadays, sustainable natural insulation materials are already ...

EPA unveils strategy to regulate toxic 'forever chemicals'

The Biden administration is launching a broad strategy to regulate toxic industrial compounds associated with serious health conditions that are used in products ranging from cookware to carpets and firefighting foams.

New method to produce composites with 'shape memory'

Skoltech researchers have investigated a promising type of composite material in terms of their shape memory behavior—how they resume their original shape following deformation if exposed to the right temperature or other ...

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