Computer scientist looks for bad guys in cyberspace

(—The weakest link in many computer networks is a gullible human. With that in mind, Sandia National Laboratories computer science researcher Jeremy Wendt wants to figure out how to recognize potential targets ...

Facebook users get graphic images in spam attack

Facebook said Tuesday that a "coordinated spam attack" was responsible for graphic images appearing in the news feeds of some members of the world's largest social network.

Twitter fights spammers with lawsuit

Twitter on Thursday turned to a US federal court in its latest effort to stop spammers targeting the worldwide one-to-many text messaging service.

Shortened links may not be as malicious as thought

(AP) -- Link-shortening services such as TinyURL seem ideal for criminals because they can disguise the names of malicious sites. Yet on Twitter - one of the most popular places for them - they may not be nearly as malicious ...

Security firm outlines how attack against Google was pulled off

A Silicon Valley Internet security firm has described for the first time how hackers from China were able to crack Google's defenses, saying the attackers took advantage of a flaw in Microsoft's Web browser to probe deeply ...

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