Symantec urges users to disable pcAnywhere

Symantec is recommending that users of its pcAnywhere software disable the product following the theft of source code from the US computer security firm.

Apple software update thwarts iPhone-iPad hack

Apple on Friday released a software update to patch a vulnerability that hackers could use to break into the company's popular iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch gadgets.

Apple girding gadgets against hackers

Apple on Friday said it was working to patch a vulnerability that hackers could use to break into the company's popular iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch gadgets.

Cybercrime networks impacted 1M computer users

(AP) -- Law enforcement officers in the U.S. and seven other nations have seized dozens of computers, servers and bank accounts in an international probe of cybercrime rings responsible for $74 million in losses to more ...

Security flaws found in the WebGL standard

( -- Researchers at Context Information Security have issued a warning about the WebGL standard. The warning states that this standard has the potential to undermine the security concepts that are practiced by ...

Can an MP3 hack your car?

( -- The idea that someone can get into your car without your permission isn't a new one. It's about as old as the coat hanger, but that was back in the days when you locks had a pull up button. We tend to think ...

The Virus Turns 40

( -- Today we have the dubious honor of wishing a happy birthday to the computer virus. It is hitting its 40th birthday, so get out the grim reaper cake and "Over the Hill" balloons. While we certainly won't be ...

Android users get malware with their apps

( -- As new platforms make their way into the market there will always someone who is looking to exploit them for illegal or unethical ends. More proof of that fact has come today when Google was forced to removed ...

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