Related topics: genes

Sex is 'nothing but trouble', geneticist says

( —Sex determining genes in marsupials have shed some light on how the Y chromosome, which determines the male sex in humans, will quickly degenerate and eventually disappear, according to a world-renowned evolutionary ...

'Sexual networks' reveal complex mating game

(—Social networks can be used to describe the sexual interactions in animal populations and reveal which individuals are directly competing in the 'mating game', according to new Oxford University research.

Older is better for hunting dogs

( -- Older dogs and male dogs are better hunting companions than younger dogs and female dogs says the author of a new study on the hunting ability and nutritional status of domestic dogs in lowland Nicaragua. ...

Researcher finds gender differences in seasonal auditory changes

Auditory systems differ between sexes in sparrows depending on the season, a Georgia State University neuroscientist has found. The work adds to our knowledge of how the parts of the nervous system, including that of humans, ...

Could playing 'boys' games help girls in science and math?

The observation that males appear to be superior to females in some fields of academic study has prompted a wealth of research hoping to shed light on whether this is attributable to nature or nurture. Although there is no ...

Pantry pests trade immunity for sex

( —When presented with a bevy of beauties, male meal moths - the scourge of many a household pantry - will prefer to invest in sex over self-preservation, according to researchers.

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