How to maintain gender equality through the sex chromosomes

Asymmetric sex chromosomes were independently shaped during evolution in many species, and different strategies evolved alongside to overcome the resulting imbalance in genetic information. Molecular biologist Marie-Line ...

COVID-19 pandemic fallout worse for women

Researchers from The University of Queensland have found the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia has had a greater financial and psychological impact on women than men.

Communicating nightingales: Older males trill better

Older male nightingales perform faster and more demanding trills than their younger rivals. These findings were published by researchers at the University of Basel and the Netherlands Institute of Ecology in the online edition ...

Research illuminates path to Guam kingfisher revival

A recently published paper in Animal Conservation provides crucial insights into the health of sihek, also known as the Guam kingfisher, a species eradicated from its native habitat and that may now face threats in captivity. ...

Rewarding women more like men could reduce wage gap

Addressing the shortage of women in STEM-related fields such as computer science is not enough to close the gender gap in both representation and pay: Treating women more like men, especially on pay day, is more important ...

A gender perspective on the global migration of scholars

International recognition is key to many successful academic careers, but research published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesshows female scientific researchers are less internationally mobile ...

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