Good parents are predictable -- at least when it comes to corn

In order to breed new varieties of corn with a higher yield faster than ever before, researchers at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany, and other institutions are relying on a trick: early selection of the ...

Old star, new trick

The Big Bang produced lots of hydrogen and helium and a smidgen of lithium. All heavier elements found on the periodic table have been produced by stars over the last 13.7 billion years. Astronomers analyze starlight to determine ...

Study: Teachers choose schools according to student race

A study forthcoming in the Journal of Labor Economics suggests that high-quality teachers tend to leave schools that experience inflows of black students. According to the study's author, C. Kirabo Jackson (Cornell University), ...

Study: Managers' Hiring Practices Vary by Race, Ethnicity

( -- White, Asian and Hispanic managers tend to hire more whites and fewer blacks than black managers do, according to a study published this month in the Journal of Labor Economics.

Research: Bedbugs can thrive despite inbreeding

Bedbugs aren't just sleeping with you. They're sleeping with each other. Researchers now say that the creepy bugs have a special genetic gift: withstanding incest.

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