Astronomers detect a second planet orbiting two stars

Planets orbiting binary stars are in a tough situation: They have to contend with the gravitational pull of two separate stars. Planetary formation around a single star like our sun is relatively straightforward compared ...

Life can thrive around even the smallest stars, study claims

Photosynthesis is probably the most important chemical reaction for life on Earth. It is the process plants use to transform sunlight into energy it can use. Through it, plants can produce carbohydrates they can use (and ...

Using ancient observations to classify stars

Stars don't usually evolve fast enough for humans to notice them change within one lifetime. Even a hundred lifetimes won't do—astronomical processes are just too slow. But not always. There are some phases of stellar evolution ...

New binocular Nova Cas 2021 flares in Cassiopeia

It began, as all modern astronomical alerts seem to, with one tweet, then two. Early on the morning of Friday, March 19, we started seeing word that a nova was spotted in the constellation of Cassiopeia the Queen, near its ...

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