Related topics: netflix

Senate panel looks into phone bill mystery fees

(AP) -- The Senate Commerce Committee is investigating several little-known companies for charging consumers mystery fees through their phone bills in a practice known as cramming.

Report: US would make Internet wiretaps easier

Broad new regulations being drafted by the Obama administration would make it easier for law enforcement and national security officials to eavesdrop on Internet and e-mail communications like social networking Web sites ...

FBI access to e-mail, Web data raises privacy fear

(AP) -- Invasion of privacy in the Internet age. Expanding the reach of law enforcement to snoop on e-mail traffic or on Web surfing. Those are among the criticisms being aimed at the FBI as it tries to update a key surveillance ...

Google Voice telecom service opens to all in US

Internet giant Google has opened its Google Voice telecommunications service to anyone in the United States interested in using a single telephone number for all of their phones.

For needy, cell phones can be free

An obscure federal program that helps poor people pay for phone service is entering the wireless era. Cell phone companies are offering the needy a bargain that the rest of us can only dream about: free service.

Google's openness intensifies focus on e-mail woes

(AP) -- Google Inc.'s recent pledge to be more open about periodic service outages appears to be drawing more attention to the breakdowns when they occur, even if it's a minor hiccup affecting a sliver of its users.

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