Researchers exploring spintronics in graphene

Electronics is based on the manipulation of electrons and other charge carriers, but in addition to charge, electrons possess a property known as spin. When spin is manipulated with magnetic and electric fields, the result ...

Heat makes electrons spin in magnetic superconductors

Physicists have shown how heat can be exploited for controlling magnetic properties of matter. The finding helps in the development of more efficient mass memories. The result was published yesterday in Physical Review Letters. ...

Magnetic nanoparticles enhance performance of solar cells

Magnetic nanoparticles can increase the performance of solar cells made from polymers - provided the mix is right. This is the result of an X-ray study at DESY's synchrotron radiation source PETRA III. Adding about one per ...

New 'knobs' can dial in control of materials

Designing or exploring new materials is all about controlling their properties. In a new study, Cornell scientists offer insight on how different "knobs" can change material properties in ways that were previously unexplored ...

Levitation recreates nature's dumbbells

Splash form tektites are tiny pieces of natural glass created out of spinning drops of molten rock flung from the earth during an extra-terrestrial impact—when the earth is hit by asteroids or comets. They come in a myriad ...

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