Researchers create exotic magnetic structures with laser light

Research at Lund University in Sweden has found a new way to create nano-sized magnetic particles using ultrafast laser light pulses. The discovery could pave the way for new and more energy-efficient technical components ...

Method to control magnetic behavior in quantum material

Magnetism, one of the oldest technologies known to humans, is at the forefront of new-age materials that could enable next-generation lossless electronics and quantum computers. Researchers led by Penn State and the University ...

Researchers synthesize carbon nanosolenoid with Riemann surfaces

Albert Einstein constructed equations of general relativity by adopting Riemann geometry. In addition to the key role it played in mathematics and physics, Riemann geometry has provided predictions for the properties of curved ...

New Fermi arcs could provide a new path for electronics

Newly discovered Fermi arcs that can be controlled through magnetism could be the future of electronics based on electron spins. These new Fermi arcs were discovered by a team of researchers from Ames Laboratory and Iowa ...

A versatile hydrogel network-repairing strategy

Hydrogen bond engineering can convey stretchability, toughness and self-healing properties to materials, although enhancement effects of conventional hydrogen bonds is limiting due to their weak interaction strength. For ...

Ion pairings change honeycomb crystal states

Tohoku University researchers have observed a rare change in the structure of a mineral-like crystal that, if controlled, could lead to the development of new functional materials. The findings were reported in the Journal ...

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