Bit data goes anti-skyrmions

Today's world, rapidly changing because of "big data", is encapsulated in trillions of tiny magnetic objects - magnetic bits - each of which stores one bit of data in magnetic disk drives. A group of scientists from the Max ...

Domain walls as new information storage medium

While searching for ever smaller devices that can be used as data storage systems and novel sensors, physicists at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) have directly observed magnetization dynamics processes in magnetic ...

Driving an electron spin vortex "Skyrmion" with a microcurrent

RIKEN and the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) have succeeded in forming a skyrmion crystal in which electron spin is aligned in a vortex shape in a microdevice using the helimagnet FeGe. The skyrmion crystal ...

Moving sector walls on the nano scale

Scientists at ETH Zurich are able to visualize and selectively modify the internal order of an intensively researched class of materials known as multiferroics. This opens the door to promising applications in electronics. ...

Magnetic symmetry is not just like looking in a mirror

When you think about how rapidly computers filled our homes, our cars and even ourselves through watches and earpieces, it might be hard to believe that there is a massive gap between computer's processing power and the speed, ...

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