Tracking hydrogen movement using subatomic particles

A muon is an unstable subatomic particle similar to an electron but with much greater mass. The lifetime of a muon is only a couple of microseconds, but this is long compared with the lifetimes of many unstable subatomic ...

Chemical reaction alters the colours of plasmonic prints

Plasmonic printing produces resolutions several times greater than conventional printing methods. In plasmonic printing, colours are formed on the surfaces of tiny metallic particles when light excites their electrons to ...

On the way to hydrogen storage?

( -- The car of the future could be propelled by a fuel cell powered with hydrogen. But what will the fuel tank look like? Hydrogen gas is not only explosive but also very space-consuming. Storage in the form ...

Scientists introduce new material to store hydrogen

Scientists of Siberian Federal University and the Institute of Physics of the SB RAS produced a new material for hydrogen storage. The material is based on magnesium hydride, and can store hydrogen mass of about 7 percent ...