Related topics: volcano

Surprise magma chamber growing under Mediterranean volcano

Using a novel imaging technique for volcanoes that produces high-resolution pictures of seismic wave properties, a new study reveals a large, previously undetected body of mobile magma underneath Kolumbo, an active submarine ...

Hawai'i earthquake swarm caused by magma moving through 'sills'

Magma pumping through a massive complex of flat, interconnected chambers deep beneath volcanoes in Hawai'i appears to be responsible for an unexplained swarm of tiny earthquakes felt on the Big Island over the past seven ...

Monitoring 'frothy' magma gases could help evade disaster

Volcanic eruptions are dangerous and difficult to predict. A team at the University of Tokyo has found that the ratio of atoms in specific gases released from volcanic fumaroles (gaps in the Earth's surface) can provide an ...

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