Can AI nip tree disease in the bud?

Global trade, tourism and other forms of human movement are accelerating the spread of tree and plant pathogens between continents. Dutch elm disease, first seen in Europe in 1910, was detected in Canada just four decades ...

How to slow the spread of deadly 'superbugs'

Harnessing new advances in genomic surveillance technology could help detect the rise of deadly "superbugs" and slow their evolution and spread, improving global health outcomes, a new Australian study suggests.

Predicting potential problems of persistent plastic particulates

Plastics monopolize our household accessories due to their low cost and versatility. Unfortunately, the lack of proper disposal measures has led to widespread proliferation of these non-biodegradables into the natural environment. ...

Machine learning highlights ways to improve flood mitigation

Flooding in the United States costs communities more than $32 billion each year. As climate change drives increasingly severe and erratic storm events, experts project that figure to rise in coming years: Forecasts estimate ...

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