Researchers create first inhibitor for enzyme linked to cancers

Recent studies showing acid ceramidase (AC) to be upregulated in melanoma, lung and prostate cancers have made the enzyme a desired target for novel synthetic inhibitor compounds. This week in Angewandte Chemie, a top journal ...

'Cell surgery' using nano-beams

Using a simple glass capillary, atomic physicists at RIKEN are developing an ultra-narrow ion beam that pinpoints a part of organelles in a living cell, enabling biologists to visualize how the damage affects cell activities.

IKK may act as both inhibitor and promoter of Huntington's disease

The kinase IKK phosphorylates the protein mutated in Huntington's disease to promote its removal and neuron survival, but IKK may be a double-edged sword that increases neurotoxicity in later stages of the disease. The study, ...

Researchers reveal mechanism for neuron self-preservation

Tsuruta et al. find that a lipid kinase directs a voltage-gated calcium channel's degradation to save neurons from a lethal dose of overexcitement. The study appears in the October 19, 2009 issue of the Journal of Cell Biology ...

Exploring lysosomal biology: Current approaches and methods

Lysosomes are critical for cellular degradation, characterized by their acidic pH and array of hydrolytic enzymes. They degrade materials through endocytosis, phagocytosis, and autophagy, recycling essential components. Lysosomes ...

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