Hong Kong company completes purchase of Saab

(AP)—A Hong Kong-owned company says it has completed the acquisition of bankrupt car maker Saab and will move ahead with its business plan to make electric cars under the Swedish brand.

Personality drives purchasing of luxury goods

People who are extraverted and on low incomes buy more luxury goods than their introverted peers to compensate for the experience of low financial status, finds new UCL research.

Making New Year's resolutions work

It's coming up to that time of year again when people start making their New Year's resolutions, with promises to stop smoking or lose weight, and roping in their families to help. Many people rely on incentives to make their ...

Luxury labels step out into the virtual world

Buying diamond watches or designer labels on the Internet might seem anathema for those able to jet across the world for a shopping spree, yet luxury firms are slowly but surely investing in e-trade.

EBay calls on EU to change luxury brand rules

(AP) -- EBay Inc. called Thursday on the European Union to change antitrust rules that allow luxury manufacturers to choose who can sell their branded goods online.

Molding two-dimensional organic molecule crystals

Recently, a group of illegal counterfeiters was apprehended for producing around 400 fake luxury jewelry items using molds. They were able to create hundreds of faked luxury items simply after pouring molten metal into molds ...

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