Birds prefer to live in luxury than in poor areas, study finds

A unique study of birdlife in South African cities has found that birds prefer wealthy areas to poorer ones but will move out if things get too cramped. The study was conducted by a team of scientists from the University ...

Tsunami-safe Gulf is nothing but, experts warn

A major oil tanker expressway in the Persian Gulf once thought a low-risk area is actually a 'highly vulnerable hotspot' for monster waves, new research reveals.

Tackling counterfeit seeds with 'unclonable' labels

Average crop yields in Africa are consistently far below expected, and one significant reason is the prevalence of counterfeit seeds whose germination rates are far lower than those of the genuine ones. The World Bank estimates ...

Swiss watchmakers keep cool in wait for Apple smartwatch

Swiss watchmakers are warily eyeing Apple's reported progress towards creating a "smartwatch", but say they are not too worried about the tech goliath's likely incursion into their traditional turf.

Vanity plates in Greece may be a form of 'conspicuous corruption'

In Greece, drivers cannot legally purchase custom vanity plates. However, a new study confirms an open secret: that the country has an illegal market for acquiring license plates with distinctive number patterns, perhaps ...

Heart of glass

What’s the best way to keep track of medicines or luxury goods? Just give them a number, of course. But what if the item you want to keep your eye on is made of glass?

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