Putting cells through their paces

The spheroid is the width of a few human hairs and made up of 25,000 human lung cells clustered together with iron particle, suspended in a fluid that runs though a microscopic obstacle course of channels sealed between glass.

Lung organoids reveal how pathogens infect human lung tissue

How do pathogens invade the lungs? Using human lung microtissues, a team at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel has uncovered the strategy used by a dangerous pathogen. The bacterium targets specific lung cells and ...

Large collaboration creates cell atlas of COVID-19 pathology

Scientists from several hospitals and research centers have shown what happens in individual cells of patients who died of COVID-19. In a study published in Nature, the researchers describe how infected cells from multiple ...

Seal serum offers protection from inflammation

Seal lungs can take a terrible pounding when one of the mammals leaves the surface. When the lungs collapse during deep descents in order to protect the animal, the delicate tissues incur damage as they are crushed, then ...

Imaging technique could be game changer for pharma

In drug development, the body can be something of a black box. We take medicine and observe the overall effects, but what happens inside the body largely remains a mystery. To help clear up this picture, researchers are turning ...

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