Related topics: cells · lung · cystic fibrosis

The proteins that fix (almost) everything

Proteins can make any inventor green with envy. It is proteins that make the body work. But when these same super-substances make mistakes, we may get sick with things like cancer or Alzheimer's disease. The job of researchers ...

Scaling up cell imaging

Scientists have learned a lot about human biology by looking at cells under a microscope, but they might not notice tiny differences between cells or even know what they're looking for. Researchers at the Broad Institute ...

Novel technique to produce stem cells from peripheral blood

Stem cells are a valuable resource for medical and biological research, but are difficult to study due to ethical and societal barriers. However, genetically manipulated cells from adults may provide a path to study stem ...

Smart fungus disarms plant, animal and human immunity

Fungal and bacterial pathogens are well capable of infecting plants, animals and humans despite their immune systems. Fungi penetrate leafs, stalks and roots, or skin, intestines and lungs, to infect their hosts.

How dangerous are air pollutants really?

How severely do smog, diesel exhaust and secondhand smoke damage the lungs? What do pollen or nanoparticles trigger when they infiltrate the human body through inhaling? At this year's BIO Convention in Chicago from May 3-6, ...

Placenta-derived stem cells may help sufferers of lung diseases

An Italian research team, publishing in the current issue of Cell Transplantation (18:4), has found that stem cells derived from human placenta may ultimately play a role in the treatment of lung diseases, such as pulmonary ...

Researchers develop new platinum-based anti-tumor compound

Researchers in the Department of Chemistry at Wake Forest University in collaboration with colleagues at the Wake Forest University Health Sciences Comprehensive Cancer Center have developed a new class of platinum-based ...

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