Watch all six Apollo Moon landings at once

So often, when we think of all the Apollo missions to the Moon, we recall the videos of the astronauts walking, jumping and driving around on the Moon. But the actual landing of the Lunar Module was such a key – if not ...

China to land first moon probe next year (Update)

China has said it will land an exploratory craft on the moon for the first time next year, as part of an ambitious space programme that includes a long-term plan to put a man on the moon.

Space Image: Gumdrop meets Spider

( -- This image, taken on March 6, 1969, shows the Apollo 9 Command and Service Modules docked with the Lunar Module.

Space Image: Apollo 15 - Follow the tracks

( -- The Apollo 15 Lunar Module (LM) Falcon set down on the Hadley plains (26.132°N, 3.634°E) a mere 2 kilometers from Hadley Rille.

The thirty-ninth anniversary of the last moonwalk

On December 13, 1972, Apollo 17 Commander Eugene A. Cernan and Lunar Module Pilot (LMP) Harrison H. “Jack” Schmitt made the final lunar EVA or moonwalk of the final Apollo mission. Theirs was the longest stay on ...

Apollo 13 checklist part of space artifacts auction

A notebook containing Apollo 13 commander James Lovell's handwritten calculations to guide the damaged spacecraft back to Earth is being auctioned along with other artifacts from the 1970 mission.

Image: Orion seen from the Rover

( -- The Apollo 16 Lunar Module "Orion" is photographed from a distance by astronaut Chares M. Duke Jr., Lunar Module pilot, aboard the moving Lunar Roving Vehicle.

The mission to find the missing lunar module

Where is the Apollo 10 Lunar lander module? It’s somewhere out there — orbiting the Sun — and there’s a new initiative to try and find it!

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