Researchers develop tuneable anti-counterfeiting material

Counterfeiters are becoming increasingly more sophisticated in forging everything from diplomas and currency to medications and artwork. While protective measures such as luminescent markings (which glow under ultraviolet ...

L-cyclodextrins synthesized in the lab for the first time

A team of chemists at Northwestern University has successfully synthesized three L-cyclodextrins in the lab for the first time. In their study, published in the journal Nature Synthesis, the group used a one-pot strategy ...

Turning streetwear into solar power plants

Researchers at Empa and ETH Zurich succeeded in developing a material that works like a luminescent solar concentrator and can even be applied to textiles. This opens up numerous possibilities for producing energy directly ...

Positron luminescence outshines that of electrons

In old cathode ray TVs, a picture is generated when an electron beam excites a phosphor screen, causing the phosphor to radiate light. Now in a new study, researchers have found that a beam of positrons (positively charged ...

Two-dimensional material seems to disappear, but doesn't

(—When exposed to air, a luminescent 2D material called molybdenum telluride (MoTe2) appears to decompose within a couple days, losing its optical contrast and becoming virtually transparent. But when scientists ...

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