Quitting Facebook could boost exam results

In research that validates what many parents and educators suspect, students whose grades are below average could boost their results if they devote less time to Facebook and other social networking sites.

Persistent drizzle at sub-zero temps in Antarctica

When the temperature drops below freezing, snow and ice are expected to follow. That is not always the case in Antarctica, where for the first time, persistent drizzle has been recorded at temperatures well below freezing, ...

A star is born: Using lasers to study how star stuff is made

On a typical day at the world's biggest laser, the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in Livermore, California, you can find scientists casually making star-like conditions using 192 high-powered lasers. Stars in the universe ...

Accidental discovery of strong and unbreakable molecular switch

An organic material that can repeatedly change shape without breaking would have many useful applications, such as artificial muscles, pumps or as a switch. Physicists at Radboud University accidentally discovered a material ...

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