Large earthquakes shape landscape at high elevation

The mountain landscape is a result of battle between tectonic uplift, river incision and bedrock landsliding. The erosion of landslide dominates the process of removing sediment from the watersheds; therefore, where it happens ...

Death in darkness: A new type of cell death discovered in fly guts

A research group led by Sa Kan Yoo at the RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research (BDR) has discovered a completely unknown type of cell death that takes place in the guts of the common fruit fly. The new process, called ...

Powerful impact provides insight into deep structure of Mars

NASA's InSight lander (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) launched in 2018 with the goal of peering deep into Mars's interior for the first time to gain important information about ...

Q&A: What is China's carbon trading scheme?

China has launched the world's biggest carbon trading system to help lower carbon emissions, but critics and analysts have raised doubts about whether it will have a signficant impact.

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