Related topics: whales

Quantum eavesdropper steals quantum keys

( -- In quantum cryptography, scientists use quantum mechanical effects to encrypt and then communicate confidential information. Although quantum cryptography codes are unbreakable in principle, even the best ...

Making quantum cryptography truly secure

Quantum key distribution (QKD) is an advanced tool for secure computer-based interactions, providing confidential communication between two remote parties by enabling them to construct a shared secret key during the course ...

Debunking and closing quantum entanglement 'loopholes'

( -- An international team of physicists, including a scientist based at The University of Queensland, has recently closed an additional 'loophole' in a test explaining one of science's strangest phenomena -- ...

FCC seeking to close programming access loophole

(AP) -- Federal regulators are seeking to close a loophole that allows cable TV operators to withhold sporting events and other popular programming that they own from rival providers such as satellite TV.

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