Expanded genetic information about the migratory locust

Researchers from the University of Granada (UGR) have expanded the knowledge of genetic information about the migratory locust (Locusta migratoria), an orthopteron responsible for devastating plagues in Africa due to its ...

Rediscovering a wasp after 101 years

A species of wasp that is a natural enemy of a wood-boring beetle that kills black locust trees has been rediscovered, more than 100 years after the last wasp of this species was found.

Autonomous, swarming UAVs fly into the future

A new era in autonomy and unmanned systems for naval operations is on the horizon, as officials at the Office of Naval Research (ONR) announced today recent technology demonstrations of swarming unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)—part ...

Ecopesticides uses fungi to stop crop destroying insects

A New Mexico startup company has begun field tests to prove they can kill desert locusts in Africa using a natural bio-pesticide technology developed at the University of New Mexico. The company, founded by two UNM physicians, is ...

Locusts harness the sun to get their optimum diet

If you are a locust, the most nutritious plant to eat depends on the ambient temperature. Scientists at the University of Sydney, Australia, have discovered that locusts choose their food and then where they digest it according ...

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