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Lawmaker reveals scale of US mobile data requests

US mobile carriers provided some one million records to law enforcement in 2012 related to warrants, wiretaps, location data and "cell-tower dumps," documents released by a US senator showed.

Google's privacy promises don't sway many experts

Google announced new privacy tools Tuesday intended to give people more control over how they're being tracked on the go or in their own home, part of a broader effort by big tech companies to counter increasing scrutiny ...

FCC, FTC seek explanations on phone location data

(AP) -- Federal regulators are joining the growing list of public officials demanding answers from Apple Inc. and Google Inc. about the extent to which mobile devices track the location of their users and store detailed ...

Validation of asset based lending by grazing cattle using AI

A joint project team in Japan have started field testing for Asset-Based Lending (ABL) applicability at Kuroshima Sakura Farm in Kuroshima island, Okinawa prefecture, which is known for the world-famous "Wagyu" cattle industry. ...

Uncovering crime patterns using location data

When and where does crime arise in cities? To answer this question, criminologists have previously relied on rather static models. Crime has been linked, for example, to the structure of the resident population or to the ...

Crowdsourcing democracy through social media

Today the citizens of Liberia will participate in just their second presidential election since the country emerged from a brutal civil war in 2003, and in such an environment the specter of violence or other unrest is never ...

SKoreans sue Apple over iPhone user information

A group of nearly 27,000 South Koreans is suing Apple for $26 million for what they claim are privacy violations from the collection of iPhone user location information.

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