Trash-picking seagulls poop tons of nutrients

At least 1.4 million seagulls feed at landfills across North America, which aside from the nuisance it might pose, is also a threat to the health of nearby waters, a new Duke University study finds.

ACA repeal could cost California more than 200,000 jobs

Efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act could take away health insurance from millions of Californians, while also eliminating 209,000 jobs and costing the state economy $20.3 billion in GDP, says a new report from the ...

Gig economy arrives in China (officially); ride-sharing a go

China's Cabinet issued its first rules for ride-hailing and told local officials Thursday to promote the booming industry, confirming the legal status of Uber Technologies Inc. and local competitors following run-ins with ...

Looking for an oasis in America's food deserts

Where does your food come from? For many in the United States, that important question is answered by a simple solution—the grocery store. However, in some parts of the country, acquiring nutritious, fresh food is not as ...

The high costs of imported pests

A new analysis of the damage done by invasive forest pests shows that homeowners and local governments are being stuck with a $4.5 billion yearly bill for the boring beetles, choking fungi, and rogues' gallery of other foreign ...

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