Eclipse projects shed new light on solar corona

Teams led by Southwest Research Institute successfully executed two experiments—by land and air—collecting unique solar data from the total eclipse that cast a shadow from Texas to Maine on April 8, 2024. The Citizen ...

Could fish ponds help with Hawaiʻi's food sustainability?

Indigenous aquaculture systems in Hawaiʻi, known as loko iʻa or fish ponds, can increase the amount of fish and fisheries harvested both inside and outside of the pond. This is the focus of a study published by a team of ...

The seabed needs to become a top priority, and the UN agrees

"The science we need for the ocean we want"—this is the tagline for the UN Ocean Decade (2021-2030), which has just held its first conference in Barcelona, Spain. Marine scientists from around the world, including me, gathered ...

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