New experiment measures decay time for exotic nuclei

A new study led by the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has measured how long it takes for several kinds of exotic nuclei to decay. The paper, published today in Physical Review ...

Key building block of life may have come from deep space

Researchers at UH Mānoa's Department of Chemistry have provided compelling evidence that glycerol, a key molecule in the origin of Earth's living organisms, may have occurred in space more than 4 billion years ago. Glycerol ...

Russian trio blast off for ISS in shadow of Ukraine war

Three Russian cosmonauts blasted off to the International Space Station Friday, as Moscow's military intervention in Ukraine brought the Kremlin's relations with the West to their lowest point since the Soviet era.

Light used to measure the 'big stretch' in spider silk proteins

While working to improve a tool that measures the pushes and pulls sensed by proteins in living cells, biophysicists at Johns Hopkins say they've discovered one reason spiders' silk is so elastic: Pieces of the silk's protein ...

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