New technique to chart protein networks in living cells

A new approach for studying the behaviour of proteins in living cells has been developed by an interdisciplinary team of biologists and physicists in the Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit, the Ellenberg Laboratory and the ...

LARPing has more intense effect than other entertainment

In season four of the Netflix series "Stranger Things," an alternate dimension "the Upside Down" bleeds into the real world. Now new research by the University of Sydney and Monash University has found this is a common experience ...

Hitchhiking nanotubes show how cells stir themselves

( —Chemical engineers from Rice University and biophysicists from Georg-August Universität Göttingen in Germany and the VU University Amsterdam in the Netherlands have successfully tracked single molecules inside ...

New 3-D imaging technology for living cells

The major limitation of microscopy is light itself: if we want to see an object smaller than the wavelength of visible light, we cannot use conventional optics. When it comes to imaging cells, the problems compound, since ...

New microscopy method reaches deeper into the living brain

Researchers have developed a new technique that allows microscopic fluorescence imaging at four times the depth limit imposed by light diffusion. Fluorescence microscopy is often used to image molecular and cellular details ...

Scientists use Doppler to peer inside cells

Doppler radar improves lives by peeking inside air masses to predict the weather. A Purdue University team is using similar technology to look inside living cells, introducing a method to detect pathogens and treat infections ...

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